Price $549.00 $
Please select the month and day of the course
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1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall quality of the SAFe Scrum Master Course? PoorFairAverageGoodExcellent
2. What were the most valuable aspects of the course for you?
3. Were there any specific topics or areas of the course that you found particularly helpful or insightful?
4. Were there any aspects of the course that you think could be improved? If so, please provide details.
5. How well did the instructor(s) communicate the course material and concepts? PoorFairAverageGoodExcellent
6. Did the course materials (e.g., slides, handouts, exercises) enhance your learning experience? Please elaborate.
7. Were the course duration and pacing appropriate? Too shortJust rightToo long
8. Did the course meet your expectations? If not, please explain why.
9. How likely are you to recommend this SAFe Scrum Master Course to a colleague or friend? Not likely at allSomewhat likelyNeutralLikelyVery likely
10. Please share any additional comments, suggestions, or feedback you may have regarding the course or your overall experience.